I’ve just arrived in Rome to attend the World Congress on Communication for Development. It started on a high note, with promises of a document that the NGO community can use to persuade decision-makers to pay attention to the media and othe communications when implementing development schemes.
It sounds good in theory, but my sense is that the Congress lacks clear thinking in terms of what needs to be achieved and on what level. Recommendations like ‘communications is essential for good governance’ and ‘participation is key to ownership’ are all sounding a bit tired.
If this document is really going to convince decision-makers and international agencies that we need ‘multistakeholder partnerships’ and ‘participatory alliances’, I suggest we step away from the jargon, and re-write the entire thing for non-specialists.
Let thy vices die before thee.f
Posted by: jordan heels | 13 January 2012 at 07:49 AM
If you do what you should not,you must hear what you would not.
Posted by: nike heels | 13 January 2012 at 07:50 AM