Ogwang James
I want to thank Tony Blair for his efforts to help Africa out of poverty. But we in Northern Uganda might not see the fruits of debt cancellation as long as we remain in camps. The G8 should do something about this war.
Okello Okello, Student
My concern is the education of young people. What can G8 leaders do to help us get a University education? I believe money from debt cancellation should pay for University education for more poor students who want to study but can't because poverty stops them.
Adongo Sarah
I only hope that money is not used to buy more arms and I hope it is not used to entrench corruption. Money from the first debt relief to Uganda went to build more classrooms and more health centres, but corruption meant the structures were sub-standard, as quality was compromised.
Angwec Grace, School teacher
Maybe government will finally improve our pay and provide more classrooms. The over-crowding in our Schools is appalling; class rooms meant for 40 pupils have over 100 pupils. That is not good for the quality of education we strive to uphold.
People in IDP camps also wrote into the programme. Their desires reflect their present state of life.
Ameto Gladys is 10. She wants food and only food.
If only my mother could get food for us, that is all we want for now. Government can use that money to give us more food.
Okello Ogwang, 60
I want to go home. The G8 should just help end this war and I go home.
Imat Oder, 57
If those white people can take us back home we would be very grateful. Tell them to help us get peace. I want to take my grandchildren home.