Make Poverty History march, Saturday 2 July 2005

  • Protestors resting after the long march
    Salamatu Turay of the Salone Times took these photos of the Make Poverty History march.

Anarchist protests, Monday 4 July 2005

  • Riot police in formation
    Salamatu went out with her camera again to try to capture some of the tense atmosphere leading up to Monday's violence.

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Friday, 08 July 2005


Pius Sawa

Joel, thats unfair to be on Sky Live!!!!
anyhow like a local journalist i have to envy u.i like the way u were attentive.

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AfricaVox 2005

  • This blog is written by a team of African journalists, who are working with Panos London to report from the G8 Summit.

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